TCCC Women’s Ministry
Our Ministry to Women is called Women For Jesus. We meet once a month (typically the 3rd Tuesday of each month) at the church for teaching and fellowship. This is a great chance to get to know the women in our church and be encouraged by one another. If you are interested in joining, need more details about our monthly meetings, have questions or want meeting dates for 2024-2025, click the picture below. 
Special Events
Occasionally we will host special events such as wedding or baby showers, funeral dinners, Holiday events, and more. Details for these will be shared in our monthly meetings or by joining a WFJ group.
Sewing Ministry
Do you enjoy sewing or quilting? Do you know your way around an iron or a pair of scissors? We could use your help creating a variety of sewing projects for our church and our community. One of our big annual projects is creating dresses and shorts for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes that are packed in November. Contact the church office to be put in contact with our Sewing Ministry Leader.